I've Switched to OpenSuse Linux.

· rousty's blog

A small intro on my move to OpenSuse
#opensuse, #leap, #tumbleweed, #linux

# I've Switched Over to OpenSuse

Recently I made the leap over from Fedora to OpenSuse.

I have OpenSuse Leap 15.5 running on my 10 year old backup laptop and TumbleWeed running on my main everyday laptop.

So far I am very happy with OpenSuse. I have Xfce with Qtile window manager running on both(TumbleWeed had Qtile in the package repos, Leap I needed to install Qtile via Pipx).

# Still on Xorg envirnment

Xfce is still running Xorg. So Ideally I'd like to be running Wayland to future proof my setup. So I've installed Hyprland to explore getting a Wayland window manager configured to my liking. I will need to spend some time configuring Hyprland to my lking.

If Hyprland handles scratchpads like Qtile and has an equally decent amount of ayouts than I could easily move over to Hyprland from Qtile. Although I doubt I'll like it as much as Qtile, but I won't know until I use it.

# Bug on main laptop

My main everyday Lenovo AMD laptop has an issue at present. When I had Fedora on it, the screen would randomly freeze and I'd be unable to press/open/do anything. So I'd have to hold down the power button to restart it. I thought it was a Fedora issue and nuking and switching to OpenSuse TumbleWeed would fix it, but it didn't. It is still randomly freezing.

I think it is a Linux kernal & AMD issue. I seen a Reddit post with people discussing having similar issues. OpenSuse Reddit post.

Anyway, I'm just writing this to test out prose. Have a good day.